Around the Water Cooler: The Need-to-Know in Shale This Week

Canary LLC brings you this week’s breaking news. May 8: British House of Lords Says It’s Time to Get Cracking with Fracking While British Prime Minister David Cameron is “all out for shale,” according to a report from a House of Lords committee, “progress on the ground has been at a snail’s pace” due to…

Canary LLC brings you this week’s breaking news.

May 8: British House of Lords Says It’s Time to Get Cracking with Fracking
While British Prime Minister David Cameron is “all out for shale,” according to a report from a House of Lords committee, “progress on the ground has been at a snail’s pace” due to a mountain of red tape. Ministers warn unless urgent measures are taken, a British shale boom may be delayed by as much as a decade. (Read more)

May 7: Youngstown Says “Yes” to Shale, Again and Again and Again
For the third time this year, voters in Youngstown, Ohio rejected an amendment to the city charter that would ban fracking. Though a December 2011, 3.9-magnitude earthquake at an injection well site is thought to be fracking related, it was not powerful enough to sway fracking supporters who won the day. (Read more)

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