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Around the Water Cooler: The Need-to-Know in Shale This Week

5/22: Russia and China Seal $400-Billion-Dollar Gas Deal The biggest buzz in energy news this week is the long-awaited energy agreement between Russia and China that was signed May 21, 2014.  The deal, linking Russia’s Gazprom with China’s CNPC, was 10 years in the making, and aims to provide China with enough natural gas to…

5/22: Russia and China Seal $400-Billion-Dollar Gas Deal
The biggest buzz in energy news this week is the long-awaited energy agreement between Russia and China that was signed May 21, 2014.  The deal, linking Russia’s Gazprom with China’s CNPC, was 10 years in the making, and aims to provide China with enough natural gas to meet the country’s growing consumer demand for the next three decades. (Read more)

5/20: Oil & Gas Wary of “Uninformed” Government Regulations
While everyone agrees that hydraulic fracturing needs to be done safely, oil & gas producers are raising red flags in regard to the federal government enacting more fracking regulations, while manufacturers fear the feds don’t hold a tight enough rein on liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports. These issues, and more, were hot topics of conversation at an oversight hearing held on May 20, 2014 by the House Committee on Natural Resources’ Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources. (Read more)

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