Around the Water Cooler: The Need-to-Know in Shale This Week

June 5: Will Flaring Crackdown Mean Fracking Slowdown for N.D.? North Dakota’s Industrial Commission, a three-member regulatory body chaired by State Governor Jack Dalrymple, penned new rules for the capture of natural gas released in the process of flaring.  Energy companies will now be required to submit capture plans prior to being issued a permit for…

June 5: Will Flaring Crackdown Mean Fracking Slowdown for N.D.?
North Dakota’s Industrial Commission, a three-member regulatory body chaired by State Governor Jack Dalrymple, penned new rules for the capture of natural gas released in the process of flaring.  Energy companies will now be required to submit capture plans prior to being issued a permit for new well sites.  Modified rules regarding existing wells are expected to be released July 1.  Meanwhile, the state lacks natural gas processing infrastructure, and would require approximate $2 billion in investment to keep pace with current production.  (Read More)

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